Imagination over Resolution

“We cannot create what we can’t imagine.” ~ Lucille Clifton

Writing a new year’s post on January 6 seems fitting this year, as I’m easing into 2025 rather than running headlong into it.

I would normally be writing about my guiding word of the year (it’s “rooted”), but honestly, my 2024 word didn’t stick at all, to the point I needed to refer back to last year’s early January blog post to remember what it even was (“expansive” that kept autocorrecting to “expensive” — both were true)!

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Well-Watered Plants

“People need spaciousness the way a plant needs water. When you give it to them, they come back to life.”

This observation by a colleague during my time in Fiji last week has me thinking, yet again, about my big word for 2023 which is “spaciousness.” It’s a word that makes me exhale and drop my shoulders — and it’s everywhere.

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As I write this, we’ve had about a week to take 2022 for a test drive. My verdict thus far is mixed, and it depends very much on where I fix my gaze. If I think about what I hoped week one would involve (i.e. nine of us in Barcelona and Valencia), it hasn’t been great as we weren’t there. If I let my Twitter feed shape my impressions, it’s starting as one of my worst years ever. And I’ve thrown my back out for the first time in almost a decade. But here’s the thing: I wrecked my back building an awesome snowman with my granddaughter on one of the most magical winter days I can remember. January marks the start of a fresh new season, and even though it’s a challenging one this year, I still have choices about my attitude toward it. For this first entry of 2022, my “wiser decision faster” is to prevent and resist the funk I could easily fall into next week, rather than needing to drag myself out of it later!

Continue reading “Nourishment”