What’s New

What’s New?

Reimagine your Next Chapter
in Costa Rica

Join me February 8-16, 2025 for an immersive coaching experience designed to help you build clarity and momentum as you navigate your next chapter. The adventure includes tours and exploration, workshops, group and 1:1 coaching, time to clear your mind, wise advice and more.


Reading is optional. Staying relevant isn’t.
Join me for this free book club, where I read
the books so you don’t have to.


An ecological program guiding people
through midlife transitions.

Strategies for Effective
Stakeholder Engagement

Join me November 19-20 from 1-4:30 p.m. ET for a digital workshop that will introduce you to the concepts of community engagement planning.

Boost your Facilitation Skills

Discover the skills, knowledge, and behaviours to help you effectively facilitate in a wide rage of situations. This digital workshop takes place January 27-29 from 1-4:30 pm ET through Conrad Grebel University College.
