Expert Companions

During the recent holidays, our family noted how babies and toddlers seem to grow in spurts — whether in height or in their developmental milestones, growth appears to accelerate during particular patches, and it’s often during vacations. (Then we agreed it’s probably because that’s when we have time to pay attention to what’s happening…)

Looking back over your life, can you notice seasons of accelerated growth? I’m curious not just what was happening to you during those times, but who you were spending time with. Can you recall the presence of guides along the way?

The same can be true organizationally — looking back, have there been key people accompanying you during periods of rapid development?

I’ve been reading some excellent books in preparation for Wiser by Choice later this week, and in Next!, Joanne Lipman highlights the important role played by an “expert companion” during times of transition. This person could be a friend or family member, a colleague, a coach, a member of an advisory team — a go-to person who offers wisdom, steady encouragement and a fresh perspective as we explore new territory. Their input can noticeably accelerate our development.

When I was a young mom, I had a friend who actively encouraged me to make sure I had a mentor and was a mentor at each stage of my life. That’s been an easier pattern to maintain during some seasons than others, but it’s sage advice that’s stuck with me.

The research is clear that we become like the people we hang out with, and we have more influence on other people than we think.

So, what about you? As this year starts, are you in greater need of finding an expert companion or being one? Make it happen — it’s an investment that always pays off.

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