
“Use your imagination!”

What do you picture? A toddler in a superhero cape perhaps, or holding some crayons?

We tend to think of imagination as the territory of the young, and as an individual pursuit. But what would it look like if imagining were reclaimed by groups of adults? What might we unleash together?

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Trust is widely understood as a necessary ingredient for effective leadership and collaboration. But it’s another word we tend to be sloppy about.

Trust requires more than having integrity — or “being trustworthy.” It also requires actually being trusted.

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Strategy Exemplified

Being strategic involves more than strategic planning, but that planning cycle is one place it often shows up. When I think about the strategic planning work that has been most impactful over my career, the impact has come not from the content of the plans themselves but from the commitment of the leaders behind them to use the strategy as a decision-making guide. These are people who have embedded the intentions of their strategic plans into the daily workings of their organizations over the long haul. As a result, they have plans, as I say in the strapline of my book Sightline, that “gather momentum not dust.” Here are two such examples, in the early stages of their strategy implementation cycle:

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