Craving Challenge

My mom and my four-year-old granddaughter Tatum are having an ongoing conversation these days about the difference between needs and wants. A recent installment went like this:

Grandma: “I’m going grocery shopping, Tatum. Grandad asked me to get him some ‘wants’ not just ‘needs.’ What do you think I should buy him?”

Tatum: “Definitely cookies.”

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The Grief of Change

“But what if we just want things to stay the same?”

I hear you, sister!

When things are in a constant state of flux, grief is a common and appropriate reaction. And it often shows up as frustration.

We don’t only grieve specific losses, such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a job, but change itself — its existence, its relentlessness — can elicit feelings of grief too.

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