Thinning Seedlings

Have you ever planted beets?

I have, several times. They rarely thrive. Why? Because I can’t bear to thin out the seedlings as dramatically as the seed package says I should. I’m supposed to pull out more than half of my perfectly healthy sweet little plants and just toss them aside??! Too painful. So, I usually pull out a few, and hope for the best. The result? Crowded beets. Delicious, but tiny. Quantity over quality.

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Sit with it just a little longer

Where I live, we’re two weeks away from the start of school after summer vacation. I no longer have kids living at home, but this remains the season of new backpacks and fresh starts. It is a very in-between time, where I’m not yet willing to say summer is over, but a new season is definitely looming, and I want to be prepared. My heart aches and leaps for all the families who are anticipating the fall with that potent mixture of excitement and dread.

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